It supports the creation of content bas

The fact that an SEO specialist feels in his bones that he is green has nothing to do with hard data. Content writing – Surfer SEO, which bases its entire existence on data and the study of factor correlation, will be perfect here. On the analysis of what content the competition creates. Surfer SEO recognizes that every industry is unique and every competition in the industry is completely unique, so similar guidelines cannot be given – they must all be strictly tailor to who we are competing with for a given query. Sometimes one key phrase is enough, and other times it nes to be repeat twenty times, and this is strictly dependent on how the competition behaves.

Bas on such in-depth guidelines

Surfer SEO very precise guidelines. Which include, for example. Keywords along with the number of their occurrences in the content. Suggest content length. number of headings H , H , etc., number of paragraphs, number of internal links number of photos, number of bolds, recommend page load time, title length and meta description, if a specific Iran Mobile Number List subpage is being analyz. you can optimize or create content on the page from scratch. link-building ; in the old (but are they good?) times, it was enough to link from anywhere and magic works.

Phone Number List

The quality of links is more important

The magic is gone, now it’s data-driven SEO. Than the number of links. By buying random links from unverifi sources, you can even harm the website. The use of SEO tools is necessary to properly assess the quality of links. Most SEO specialists believe that DR is key. DR stands for domain rating, which is a score made by Ahrefs bas on the number of inbound links. In simple terms, this means that if we have a link from a page. With high DR, it’s good, and Bulk Lead if it’s low, it’s bad. Is the world so simple? Certainly not the world of SEO.

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